Your Local Eavestrough Professional


Ice damming and De-icing cables

 Hi again! And it is already November, Debris in gutter so temperatures are dropping and all kinds of leafs are still falling in to your eavestroughs, making it clogged with (at least organic) stuff and ready for a new “Eco-system”to build-up for different types of species and creatures (mosquitoes, wood-louses , centipedes and other “aliens” […]

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Downspout -Y- diverter – spliter

 Please note: we do not sell this product – only install The humble Downspout Diverter is these days becoming not so humble, as it becomes a top selling item due to the recent increase in popularity of the Rain Barrel. Which I suppose makes sense. If you’re going to install a rain barrel you’re definitely going […]

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Fall is around the Corner……

“It’s important for people to know that Fall maintenance will not only make their homes more energy efficient during the winter months, but will safeguard their homes against potential seasonal ‘disasters’ such as leaking roofs or home fires due to neglected chimneys,” says Dan Steward, Pillar To Post president. Check the heating system. Check the […]

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Drip Edge Matters

  Installing a drip edge properly can make all the difference in avoiding problems such as ice damming. For clarification, a drip edge is a modified L-shaped flashing used along the eaves and rakes of a roof. The drip edge directs runoff water into the gutters and away from the fascia. In terms of placement, the […]

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Downspout Maintenance

More on Downspout Maintenance  Downspouts are the vertical lengths of piping attached to the sides of a home. They connect to the gutters that run vertically along the roof so that runoff water can be carried off the roof and safely away from the home, preventing damage to the structure and surrounding foundation. Downspouts are […]

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West Nile Virus unseen prevention tip: Keep your eavestrough clean!

As mosquitoes deliver the deadly West Nile Virus, the key is to reduce the mosquito’s breeding areas of standing water. Above your head at your roof line are gutters with standing water in them if they are clogged. An easy way to reduce the mosquito population is to clean out your gutters and downspouts. The […]

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Mississauga Downspout Disconnection

What is Downspout Disconnection? Downspout disconnection is the process of detaching a building’s downspouts from the city’s stormwater drainage system. Instead of directing rainwater into the municipal drains, the water is redirected to a safe area on the property, such as a garden or a rain barrel. This practice helps reduce the volume of water […]

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Leaking Gutters

Understanding Gutter Leaks Gutters play a crucial role in diverting rainwater away from your home’s foundation, preventing potential water damage. However, when gutters start leaking, they can fail to perform this essential function, leading to various problems. Understanding the reasons behind leaking gutters can help you address the issues promptly and maintain the integrity of […]

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Eavestrough | Gutter coil gauges

  Gauge of the Gutter | Eavestrough material is important  Seamless aluminum eavestrough are generally roll formed from coil that is available from manufacturers in three thicknesses: — Light weight 0.57mm or (0.022 inch) gauge coil used only by the most budget-minded of installers and can be found on some new construction projects. Light weight […]

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